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HD swap from modded to unmodded and back

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:23 am
by keithkramer
I currently have two 360's - one modded - one untouched. The modded console is used 100% of the time, the unmodded box doesn't really get used due to the fact that it was given to me because of the RROD. I fixed the RROD issue but am reluctent to used it for prolong periods. The only thing I have ever used Live for is downloading the roster names on NCAA football.
Will I get banned if I take my 120gb harddrive off the modded console and place it on the unmodded console to connect to live and download content? I would then place the HD back on my modded console afterwards. All of my kreon rips are in hand games, so I could put the original game in the unmodded system when connecting and downloading.

I do not want to cripple my HD and lose any of its functions.
Thank you

Re: HD swap from modded to unmodded and back

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:42 pm
by grandview

Re: HD swap from modded to unmodded and back

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:17 pm
by trailz
No, the modded console is the only one that will cripple that drive, and even then it can only do it if it gets banned. If it never connects to live there is nothing to worry about.

Re: HD swap from modded to unmodded and back

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:37 am
by nufcmickey
Yeah if you put it on your modded and it you get banned during that period the only thing that gets knackered is the functions of the or any hard drive on that console, say if you where banned and you got acheivements and saved games and stuff in your profile, Alot of stuff becomes corrupt when you go to play it on your unmodded, You then have to recover your gamertag and hope and prey the likes of your fallout 3, Oblivion and the like gamesaves havnt been corrupted, Your worst nightmare believe me ive lived it. I had hundreds of hours of gameplay on both games and lost the lot. Soon as its banned take the HD off right away before you play anything. May aswell just use a memory card for the banned one if and when it does become banned. Ive just done what your asking about 5 mins ago, Ive just bought that trials HD and nurburgring track for forza 3 on modded but its not banned so its ok.

Re: HD swap from modded to unmodded and back

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:28 pm
by keithkramer
Copy that - thank you