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Hitachi-LG GDR-3120L 0046DH

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:46 am
by AyoTechnologist
Hello Everybody :!: I'd like to back up my games and play the games on my Hitachi-LG :!: Has anyone done this :?:

Re: Hitachi-LG GDR-3120L 0046DH

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:06 am
by AyoTechnologist
By This I mean burning my back-ups and flashing my drive so I can play them. I've been doing my research mostly on you tube and I'm coming to a common Thesis from all the videos. their telling me to buy this chip that will allow my computer to communicate with the 360. I haven't checked out my mother board on my PC yet but Im pretty sure I can link up through my main drive cable to connect to the Hitachi-LG.

Now After I'm done figuring out the hard ware stuff I'm going to get into the software end of things. There is a lot out there so finding something that all works together is the main thing. I've also have heard a lot about a new feature coming up that allows you to upload games on your hard drive.

When I first thought of a mod 360 I thought of the removable hard drive. Excited to find away to upload my videos,music and games on the removable drive to take with me where ever i go. with out having to bring along my xbox and possibly damaging it. Well i have my profiles and my music. That only leaves Videos and music which i think music you can do too. so that just leaves videos and seeing wether a flash drive can upload games.

I think I'll need a bigger hard drive lol Later AyoTechnologist :ugeek:

Ps lets get some sort of conversation going here I needs some one to get a second opinion! Common lol

Re: Hitachi-LG GDR-3120L 0046DH

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:44 pm
by dustman1995
You probably should have posted in the drive flashing section. But yeah, we've all flashed our consoles to play backups and this is the right place to be. You'll find a lot of help here. First it sounds like you have onboard sata on your motherboard, wich is good. Next go to the download section of this forum and download jungleflasher 1.7, and then auto_xbins. You'll need a sata cable to hook to your drive. Before going any further, you should read the tutorials on flashing a hitachi drive then watch the video tutorial. Then read the tuorial again and take notes. When you are 100% comfortable, then dive in!