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PSGroove Teensy++ Tutorial

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:46 pm
by enragingchaos
PSGroove Teensy++ Tutorial

This guide is only for Teensy++ 2.0 boards with the AT90USB1286 chip.

* Download the latest Teensy Loader Application (for Windows, Mac, Linux) from PJRC’s website: right here.
* Download PSGroove for Teensy++: w/ Backup Support or w/o Backup Support.
* Connect your Teensy board via USB to your PC.
* Mac OS X:
1. Open the dmg and copy teensy to Applications.
2. Launch teensy.
3. Press the button on your Teensy board to activate.
4. From the File menu select “Open HEX File” and select “psgroove.hex.”
5. From the Operation menu select “Program” and when it’s finished you should see “Download Complete.”
6. Disconnect the board and connect it to your PS3. Note: your PS3 should be switched off on the back (PS3 Fat) or unplugged from the wall (PS3 Slim).
7. Connect the Teensy board to your PS3 and switch on or plug in the main power.
8. Now press the power button immediately followed by the eject button.
9. Booyah — you’re hacked!
* Linux: (from a terminal)
1. Download this file and copy to /etc/udev/rules.d/.
o wget" onclick=";return false;
o sudo cp 49-teensy.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
2. Decompress teensy.gz.
o gzip -d teensy.gz
3. Launch teensy.
o chmod 755 teensy
o ./teensy &
4. Now follow steps 3—8 from the Mac OS X section.
* Windows:
1. Open teensy.exe and follow steps 3—8 from the Mac OS X section.

Simple, huh? Now keep in mind every time you boot your PS3 you must connect the Teensy++ board and disconnect & reconnect the main power source.

To install homebrew wrapped in a dot pkg: Load the pkg files onto a mass storage device, connect that device to your PS3, and use “Install Package Files” from the XMB.

Credit goes to Greg from ps3-hacks

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