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360 keeps freezing but no flashings lights

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:39 am
by he-man
My Jtag 360 keeps freezing. Sometimes after an hour, sometimes after 10 minutes and even while in the NXE and XEXmenu menus. There are no flashings lights but the controller vibrates like crazy and there are vertical dotted lines on the screen (see picture). The console does not get extremely hot (not more than to be expected anyways) and is standing vertical.
Any idea what could cause this to happen?

Re: 360 keeps freezing but no flashings lights

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:08 am
by HaGGardSmurf
Your having either GPU or ANA issues.

It'll red ring soon. I dont know why the controller would vibrate like that, but any time you get freezing and lines like that RROD is on its way. It can be GPU or an ana issue.

Re: 360 keeps freezing but no flashings lights

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:15 am
by he-man
Thanks Haggard for the quick response!

Funny thing is the company that did the Jtag (I can't solder to save my life :oops: ) on my console apparently did a reflow too.... I'm not to confident in them now and don't really want to send it back to them.

Is there anything I can do myself, like maybe use the Xecuter Xbox 360 RROD Repair Kit Pro II?

Re: 360 keeps freezing but no flashings lights

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:15 pm
by HaGGardSmurf
You can try buying a repair kit, but they dont always work, or last. Try a new AV cable first.

To be quite honest, I'd go on craigslist or any other internet 'classified' style website and look for people who do reball's. Theres about 10 - 15 where I live, im sure there will be at least that many in your city.

Why did they reflow? Is it just standard practise, they get a box in, reflow it, then jtag it, or did your console have red rings?

If its just part of their process and your box was fine in the first place then the reflow likely caused the issues. I'd look into contacting them and seeing about a refund etc...

Re: 360 keeps freezing but no flashings lights

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:38 am
by he-man
The box had no issues regarding RROD, so I paid for Jtag only. They then contacted me to say that it needs a reflow (for an extra £40 ) as it apparently RROD'd when they tested it...
They offered to collect it and try to repair the problem but if they can't repair it they will refund me and return the console, Jtag removed.

Thanks for the advice. The console is OK for now but I'll look into getting reball if it dies.

Edit: Just found a company that does reballing :)