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Shaun White Skateboarding PS3 Recall

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:38 am
by tonyuk73

Looks like Sony Of Amercia is out to get someone for nearly opening the ps3 for a game exploit hack.
Conspiracy or fact?, but only the PS3 format has been called back.
The recall was originally discovered when a Target memo was leaked, but since then SOA has released an official statement on the issue.But with rumors hitting the net that the wrong firmware was on the discs the statement below seems a bit blahhh...blahhh..blahhh.

"There was a manufacturing issue with a misprinted disc at Sony Computer Entertainment America and the wrong version of the Shaun White Skateboarding PlayStation 3 game was shipped to retailers. We're working with Ubisoft to correct the issue. New PS3 copies of the game will be shipped to North American retailers by Thursday, Oct. 28 and it will be available by that weekend."

Now Sony have learned a value lesson here before with something like this opening the psp to exploit forever and when it gets out there no way of stopping it.

Click on the link below to see the recall memo...thanks to Ryan. ... recall.jpg