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Xbox 360 elite

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:10 pm
by Rastan
Hi everyone, this is my 1st post here. I just have a few questions. I am one of the latest casualties of this weeks xbox live bannings. However I have been lucky enough to get hold of an Xbox 360 Elite. Long story but I am basically doing a swap with a friend who has just purchased his elite for my banned 360 and all my games. After searching various forums and posts I have read some conflicting information.
What i would like to know is are there any drives that come in the Elite un-flashable. I read somewhere else that on some versions of the dvd drives some soldering is needed in order to get the flash to work. I have successfully flashed 2 samsung drives and wonder if me getting the elite xbox is going to be more trouble then its worth. I havent seen the drive of the Elite yet, should be picking it up tomorrow. If there is a risk of me having to solder anything I would rather just get a plain old core system.

Re: Xbox 360 elite

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:49 pm
by CoFree
well the thing is it don't matter if its a Elite as long as it has a benQ drive in it.

if your elite has a v79 hit drive.that is the dvd drive that you have to solder a passkey chip is a bitch. also its very small
and a job even for someone that can solder.
when you pick it up power it up and open the dvd tray if its got a hit drive there is a small chance that its got a v78 dvd drvie which would be ok.
if its a v79 hit then i would not get it or just take it back and try some where else


let me know how it goes

Re: Xbox 360 elite

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:08 pm
by Rastan
Hi cofree,

Thanks for your reply. I have just received the xbox and opened the dvd tray. Judging by the pictures you posted it looks like it has the hitachi drive :(

What I want to know is there any way of knowing the hitachi model without having to open the 360's case?

Re: Xbox 360 elite

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:12 pm
by CoFree
sorry to say no there is not.
you have to open the console to look at the small writing on the cover of the dvd tells you what drive it has.

sorry about that.

Re: Xbox 360 elite

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:20 pm
by Rastan
Thanks for your help! ..I will have to leave it in my friends hands. I have told him the news and left it up to him if he wants me to continue. I have told him that if I find the unflashable drive I dont want it. I am waiting to hear from him

Re: Xbox 360 elite

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:13 pm
by Rastan
hi again, found out the elite had the hitachi v79 drive. Gonna try and get a core. Does the hitachi v79 only come in elite's? or are all the core systems flashable?

Re: Xbox 360 elite

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:30 pm
by CoFree
any console you get could have a v79 drive,BUT they are not putting in many now.the last 3 i got from wal-mart have been benq drives.i picked up the arcade pack.
if the one you get has a hit drive you don't even need to open the console you can bet its a v79 just take it back.then try a different store.