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lost data on xbox slim

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:50 am
by shaky
hi guys i have a question to ask you i have never been asked to do it before a chap who i know had a knackered 360 slim i think he spilt some fluid on it and now it as a constantred light he wants to know if i can retrieve his saves off the mem unit on the mother board as he didnt have a hard drive all he cares about is his saves a bit sad i know but there are a few out there is there a way to get the data off now with the red light
cheers guys

Re: lost data on xbox slim

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:25 pm
by HaGGardSmurf
The mem unit as in the 4gb flash data built into the motherboard? I seriously doubt it, short of desoldering the flash module from the board and putting it on another slim I'm thinking he is SOL.

However I am not completely certain, but in theory the only way to interact with the hardware on the xbox is through the xbox itself. Therefore the box needs to be working somewhat for you to move the data.