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Leaked Details Shed Light on Destiny’s New Sub-Classes

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:28 am
by CoFree
Leaked Details Shed Light on Destiny’s New Sub-Classes
Rumors on the web dictate details about upcoming new subclasses in The Dark Below expansion pack for Destiny that is expected to release in December.

According to Gamechup, the three subclasses are Titan – Crusader, Warlock – Arc Thrower, and Hunter – Trapper.Titan – Crusader

Titan – Crusader

Super: “Purge” You shoot this giant horizontal column of light directly in front of you. Upgrades can thicken the cylinder (default is size of Guardian, upgrade is about 200% increase), have the column shoot through walls, or shoot a second column behind you as well.
1 Throws 3 small fire grenades at once. Think like a very small version of the Warlock Void special.
2 Drops grenade behind guardian. Designed for escape tactics when being chased.
3 Self planted grenade. Button activates grenade for 8 seconds. Any melee damage taken at that time sets grenade off, barely doesn’t kill a guardian by itself.

Warlock – Arc Thrower

Super: “Jupiter’s Storm” Creates an orb about the size of a Servitor slightly above and in front of you. The orb floats in the air and shoots lightning out at anything that come near it. Upgrades can increase range, can cause chain lightning, or cause the orb to spawn further away from the player character.
1 Arc Grenade that detonates on second button input.
2 Grenade the transfers health to the Warlock.
3 Fence Grenade – Creates small electrified fence. Sticks to walls like the Titan Lightning Grenade and lasts about half as long.

Hunter – Trapper

Super: “Void Well” Drops a Void well on the floor. Enemies inside the Void well cannot jump, and have reduced movement speed. Upgrades can reduce all enemy movement, prevent enemies from using abilities, or increase radius of Void Well.
1 Generic void damage grenade, doesn’t bounce. Sticks to any surface.
2 Bolas that act as a sticky, but do minimal damage while greatly reducing targets movement speed, and prevents them from jumping.
3 Caltrops. Throw them on the ground. Not super easy to see. A large amount of them on the ground, stepping on one detonates it for a small amount of damage. 1 “grenade” can kill a Guardian with a little left over.

Details about the new Hive raid were leaked as well. It’s said that Destiny players will find this new raid ““much more enjoyable than either boss fight in the Vault of Glass.”

“Lets just say there is this fun almost escape sequence where all the guardians will want to be on their sparrows, trying to outrun a giant Ogre. Some of the Wizards have different attacks instead of that bombardment you are currently seeing, makes them less of a pain.”

The source does look really excited for whatever Bungie has in store for us later this year. Following a month into its release, Destiny players have been pretty vocal about not having much to do in the world. The upcoming expansion pack would be looking to change that.

However, unless we get an official word from the developer, we’ll continue to file everything regarding The Dark Below under rumors.