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GAMETIME: Street Fighter IV

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:18 am
by CoFree
GAMETIME: Street Fighter IV
By Cody Webb
Most gamers who have ever been to an arcade will recognize the name "Street Fighter." They may not have played it, but they surely noticed the crowd of people huddled around the machine, cheering and jeering whoever was playing. The series dropped off of the radar for quite a few years, only surfacing last year in the Xbox Live Arcade as Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix. Well guess what, fighting fans? It's back.

The most influential fighting game series makes its triumphant return in the form of Street Fighter IV, which is available for either the Xbox 360 or the PS3. This series is responsible for most of the themes gamers see in today's fighting games, such as the quarter-turn and counters. Street Fighter II even helped save video games and arcades from the great crash back in the '80s. Capcom did a fantastic job of bringing this revered fighting series from classic 2-D to 3-D gameplay.

So let's take a closer look at Street Fighter IV. At first glance, it may seem like a normal fighting game, but once you pick up the controller it is a totally different experience. SFIV is fast, with combos and counters flying all over the place. Responsive controls help fighters wail on each other with combo after combo, rewarding players for taking the time to learn the moves for their favorite characters.

Speaking of characters, SFIV's roster consists of several fighters from throughout the Street Fighter timeline. Old favorites such as Ryu and Chun-Li return, along with four newbies to the series. Every character offers a different fighting style, and mastering their moves is key to winning battles quickly. You can get through by just button-mashing, sure, but if you go up against a veteran then you will most likely lose horribly.

The fighting system is easy enough to learn, new players will be able to pull off some of the easier moves quickly. It takes time and practice to learn some of the more intricate combos, though. A tip from me: definitely learn to block, it can save your life. The tide of battle can shift rather quickly, though, since Capcom added in "Super Combos" and "Ultra Combos." Super Combos don't have the punch of Ultra Combos, but they can seriously damage an unsuspecting opponent. The Ultra Combos are huge, over-the-top combos that are used by filling up a "revenge meter" as you take damage. Once unleashed, they can cripple an opponent in seconds flat, providing an amusing animation as well.

The animations will impress any fighting game critic, the characters look like they've just jumped out of a comic book and into 3-D. Simply put: this game is one amazing-looking fighter. Screenshots don't do the game any justice, gamers have to see it in motion to appreciate how much work went into designing the models, backgrounds and the fluid animations.

As with any fighting game, the meat of the experience comes from online competitive play. There are offline, single-player modes and while they can be fun, they certainly don't entertain as much as a well-played match against another human opponent. Nothing beats getting with a bunch of friends and sitting around while playing Street Fighter on one TV. Bets will be made, friendships will be tested, controllers may or may not be thrown. It's worth repeating: new players will want to practice, practice, practice before attempting a fight against a vet.

So would I recommend Street Fighter IV? Oh, most definitely, this is one game any fighting fan won't want to pass up. It's great to see an old series getting a spectacular makeover like this one, I only wish more developers could pull it off with as much aplomb. I'll give it an A, and now if you'll excuse me, I have some Hadokens to dish out.